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Local News

Fourth suspect convicted in Tsaw. man's murder

Fifth and final accused in slaying of Bill Dobbs in California in 2007 is scheduled to go to trial next spring

Ship damages coal port dock

Accident involving the Cape Apricot early last Friday morning closes one of two berths at Westshore Terminals

Townhouse plan draws concerns

Concerns have been raised about the look of a proposed townhouse development in Ladner. The three-unit project is slated for the lot behind the former Ladner Baptist Church building on 47A Avenue and Delta Street.

Job action shuts hospital imaging for the day

Non-essential procedures cancelled last Friday as Delta Hospital targeted in rotating work stoppages

Police seeking help locating missing man

Dong Lee, 75, last seen a week ago

Teachers given look at association's new digs

Open house held at headquarters in Ladner Village

Will a new crossing solve our traffic issues?

The province has started consultations with the public on a plan to replace the George Massey Tunnel. Options mentioned to date range from refurbishing and expanding the 53-year-old tube to building a bridge.

Council is taking steps to ban pay parking throughout Delta

Civic politicians gave preliminary approval Monday night to a bylaw banning pay parking in Delta. "I commend our staff, our mayor and council for taking a stand on parking," said Coun. Ian Paton.

Community fills 350 stockings

Thanks to the generous support of members of the community, the 16th annual Stockings For Kids program, sponsored by the Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall and the Delta Optimist, collected three truck loads worth of gifts to fill 350 stockings for children

TFN must hold another election

The Tsawwassen First Nation must hold another election. The TFN Judicial Council, which acts as the supreme court of the First Nation, has upheld a pair of appeals launched in the wake of the Sept. 5 general election.