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Patient praises hospital care

Patient praises hospital care

Editor: Recently I was in Delta Hospital for a few days due to complications from a bout with a virus. I write in thanks to all the doctors, nurses and staff who cared for me with much kindness and good cheer.
Accident waiting to happen as speed limit signs make merging dangerous

Accident waiting to happen as speed limit signs make merging dangerous

Editor: I must add my opinion to the issues raised in the Optimist about the South Fraser Perimeter Road. The B.C.
Passing on imports would help B.C. reach agricultural targets

Passing on imports would help B.C. reach agricultural targets

In the provincial government's revised Agricultural Service Plan published last June, it was announced the Ministry of Agriculture intends to increase the contribution of the agricultural sector to B.C.'s GDP.
Politicians set to get extra year

Politicians set to get extra year

We elect federal and provincial politicians to four-year-terms, so it's kind of odd why their civic counterparts aren't given as long a leash.
Tsawwassenites have been far from lazy when it comes to Southlands proposals

Tsawwassenites have been far from lazy when it comes to Southlands proposals

Editor:Re: Lazy public deserves to pay Southlands bill, letter to the editor, Feb. 28 The letter from Karel Ley needs correction. It suggests the public is lazy, but that's not true.
Maintenance doesn't make headlines

Maintenance doesn't make headlines

Editor: I recollect that most or all civic politicians attended the opening of the Ladner Leisure Centre in order to take credit for it.
Women creating jobs one business at a time

Women creating jobs one business at a time

It's fitting that International Women's Day is recognizing contributions of entrepreneurs and business leaders
Decorated heron brings a smile

Decorated heron brings a smile

Editor: We would like to thank those responsible for decorating the heron at the entrance to Ladner in such seasonal and delightful ways. It brings on a smile every time we pass it and we hope that everyone else feels the same way.
B.C. families have one of the lowest overall tax burdens

B.C. families have one of the lowest overall tax burdens

Editor: Re: 'Boring' budget hits seniors hard: MLA, Feb. 21 MLA Vicki Huntington's comments about the provincial budget contain inaccurate information about how government is balancing the budget and keeping taxes affordable for B.C. families.
Stonewalling proves costly

Stonewalling proves costly

Editor: Re: Southlands tab tops $300,000, Feb. 19 I think Coun. Sylvia Bishop is on her usual anti-Southlands crusade. Without the very lengthy stonewalling by the anti-Southlands crusaders, the taxpayers' bill could have possibly been much less.