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Proposed development has major traffic implications

Proposed development has major traffic implications

Editor: Residents of Ladner north of Ladner Trunk Road please be aware how the proposed development near the boat launch, golf course and Captain's Cove Marina will affect you. The proposed plan is for 737 units to be built on only 15.
Two cans will soon be curbed

Two cans will soon be curbed

The practice of dragging garbage cans to the curb every week is almost certainly on borrowed time.
Busy year ahead will include sifting through all the noise

Busy year ahead will include sifting through all the noise

Here we are having just completed the first week of 2013 and it is already looking like this will certainly be a year to remember. I can't think of any municipality that is as politically charged as this one is right now.
Numbers don't quite add up

Numbers don't quite add up

The numbers are easy enough to understand, but it's the efforts to extrapolate them that tend to get a bit confusing.
Build bridge for others, but let's keep tunnel in play for South Delta drivers

Build bridge for others, but let's keep tunnel in play for South Delta drivers

Editor: The signs, open houses and news releases by the provincial government indicate that replacing the George Massey Tunnel could be in the works, but the smart choice would be to talk about adding a crossing and keeping the existing tunnel.
Cumulative effects are taking toll on area

Cumulative effects are taking toll on area

Editor: I am sure you have noticed that governments, both provincial and federal, as well as Port Metro Vancouver, are quick to assure us that projects have undergone or will undergo "a rigorous environmental assessment" when citizens express concern
Seeing forest as well as the trees

Seeing forest as well as the trees

Editor: Re: Big changes are coming, Jan. 2 Arguably, one of the greatest challenges in stable democracies is navigating change.
Math class needed to get to bottom of Southlands opinions

Math class needed to get to bottom of Southlands opinions

Editor: I learned something about new math at Delta council's meeting on Dec. 17.
Put it to use

Put it to use

Editor: Since the provincial government has started the dog and pony show on the dream of replacing the George Massey Tunnel, I had a thought about what it might do with the old Port Mann Bridge.
Keeping holiday roads safe with Operation Red Nose

Keeping holiday roads safe with Operation Red Nose

It's 2: 40 a.m., and we're praying the phone doesn't ring. All night we have heard stories of a 2: 45 phone call from an Operation Red Nose dispatcher alerting the team to a ride from Richmond to Surrey or beyond.