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Civic policy sanitizing speech will only lessen political engagement

Civic policy sanitizing speech will only lessen political engagement

Editor: Re: Limited venues to talk politics, Jan. 23 After reading about Delta's new policy to limit municipal facility rentals for "political uses," my mind began to linger. At first glance, the idea of regulating facility uses seemed reasonable.
Decision time for casino

Decision time for casino

I'm not so sure I'd bet against it now.
Trees could shelter us from port noise, dust

Trees could shelter us from port noise, dust

Editor: Deltaport expansion has raised a number of concerns for residents over the last few years and continues to do so.
Regional force unlikely

Regional force unlikely

Editor: Re: Delta not sold on regional force, Jan. 25 Regional policing will not happen anytime soon. As a retired police officer, this subject has been talked about since 1975 when I joined the Vancouver Police Department.
Lights, camera and, please, some action!

Lights, camera and, please, some action!

MLA urges provincial government to improve playing field so film industry jobs don't move to other jurisdictions
Candidate coup for Liberals

Candidate coup for Liberals

For a party that's been written off by many political pundits, it's doing a pretty darn good job of attracting candidates around here.
TFN has been anything but idle

TFN has been anything but idle

Editor: One wonders what motivates this "Idle No More" movement. Probably some mix of perceived and real treaty infractions along with an understandable desire to share the benefits and material comforts aboriginal communities see others enjoying.
Taxes and utilities rise again, but at least debt is declining

Taxes and utilities rise again, but at least debt is declining

Word has come recently that Delta taxes will go up by 1.9 per cent. Of this increase we are told 0.9 per cent is to go for general municipal services and one per cent is for a significant increase in road improvements.
Liberal gov't trying to buy our votes with costly advertising

Liberal gov't trying to buy our votes with costly advertising

Editor: I find it rather interesting that very little is being made of our provincial political actions. Our premier has chosen the tactic of not being visible for the better part of the past year.
Mayors need to put priority on tunnel

Mayors need to put priority on tunnel

Editor: After using the George Massey Tunnel for over 30 years now, I have a suggestion: Instead of dropping buckets of money into the "ALR" problem that we taxpayers shell out, let's get this tunnel done once and for all.