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Good Samaritans are thanked for their efforts to aid Charlie in his final hours

Good Samaritans are thanked for their efforts to aid Charlie in his final hours

Editor: We would like to take a moment to thank the two Good Samaritans that tried to help out our cat, Charlie, on the night of Saturday, July 7. At 10 p.m. a kind person found our tabby injured, apparently by a run-in with a car.
Odd place to locate industry

Odd place to locate industry

The Corporation of Delta announced last week it has signed an agreement with the Dayhu Group, a family-owned real estate investment company that has plans to build a 900,000-square-foot commercial distribution centre on industrial land near the Bound
History can well be duplicated but tales of Delta's past are unique

History can well be duplicated but tales of Delta's past are unique

Editor: Re: Giving public access key to preserving heritage buildings, June 27 I am encouraged to see discussion of heritage preservation in Delta coming to the forefront.
COLUMN: Summer eating and viewing

COLUMN: Summer eating and viewing

A Summerland-based company recently made an application to introduce a genetically modified apple called 'Arctic'one that won't turn brown! I can't imagine that the apple I so much love to sink my teeth into might soon be subjected to what some call
Neophyte birder finding out there's still much to learn

Neophyte birder finding out there's still much to learn

So we're birding now. And we're not very good at it. When you live in South Delta, it's difficult to ignore the abundance of bird life all around.
Special day at Kirkland House

Special day at Kirkland House

Editor: Kirkland House, the heritage home on Arthur Drive, hosted one of the many Canada Day celebrations around Delta.
Port should pick up entire tab for new overpass at airport

Port should pick up entire tab for new overpass at airport

Editor: Re: New overpass to provide direct access to air- port, July 4 In the article we have the Mayor, MP and various officials on public payrolls smiling to celebrate that they have "lifted" a total of over $10 million out of our pockets to ease t
Peace won't likely last too long

Peace won't likely last too long

Enjoy the labour peace while it lasts. It's nice to see the contract impasse between teachers and the B.C. government has been sorted out and the acrimony that plagued the recently completed school year is now truly in the past.
'Embarrassing' tunnel more than just an inconvenience for drivers

'Embarrassing' tunnel more than just an inconvenience for drivers

Editor: Re: More traffic congestion expected for tunnel, June 29 The lack of action regarding the George Massey Tunnel traffic problem should be a supreme embarrassment to the provincial government.
Cat is an unwelcome visitor

Cat is an unwelcome visitor

Editor: I live on Underhill Drive and own two cats. They are indoor/outdoor cats and have full use of a cat door. The farthest they roam is across the street and my neighbours know both of them by name.