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No more cash for TransLink until its house is in order

No more cash for TransLink until its house is in order

Editor: TransLink states it currently has a $30 million budgetary shortfall in spite of all the money it continues to extract from the taxpayer's wallet. Yet by its own estimates it has been bleeding $18 million a year due to fare evasion.
Provincial government using ALR to further its economic interests

Provincial government using ALR to further its economic interests

Editor: One thing that is misunderstood is that the ALR doesn't save farmland, farmers save farmland.
Motivations on farmland don't seem to add up

Motivations on farmland don't seem to add up

Editor: Re: Farmer wants ALR abolished, letter to the editor, April 25 The letter from farmer Trevor Harris has stirred much doubt in the minds of readers about the so-called precious farmland in Delta, including the Southlands.
Cooper has created amazing legacy during time at hospital foundation

Cooper has created amazing legacy during time at hospital foundation

Editor: Perhaps you are unaware, but Teresa Cooper, executive director of the Delta Hospital Foundation, will be leaving the foundation to pursue other opportunities in the very near future.
Additional volume for highways

Additional volume for highways

There are many factors that differentiate a big city from a small town, but there's one that immediately hits you over the head and stops you, quite literally, in your tracks.
Stand up for community

Stand up for community

Editor: South Delta has had the welcome mat spread out for developers for a long time, but the area now risks becoming the proverbial doormat.
Farmland concerns focus on aesthetics, not economics

Farmland concerns focus on aesthetics, not economics

To some, "Ours to preserve by hand and heart," means preservation of farmland. This motto was incorporated as part of Delta's coat of arms as proclaimed by then lieutenant governor Robert G.
Plenty of help for students to plan future

Plenty of help for students to plan future

Editor: Re: Don't let experience determine career advice for our children, Community Comment, May 2 When it comes to counselling and advising about education and training for career pathways, youth will more often than not look to parents for guidanc
Lowballed on port impacts

Lowballed on port impacts

EDITOR: If you have ever thought you had struck a reasonable deal with a tradesperson or contractor, who has confidently assured you of their accounting for all requirements of your project, only to find the costs kept getting higher and higher, you


The Community Comment of April 25 stated that a 1980 report on the irrigation needs of 199 acres of the Southlands farm required a 38-acre, 15-foot deep reservoir to store surface water runoff when in fact a more accurate estimate would be 23 acres a