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Demands are subject to change

Demands are subject to change

Most subdivisions are proposed, approved and built within a year or two, and cater to the market demands of the day.
Different process needed to establish council pay

Different process needed to establish council pay

Editor: Re: Delta council members vote themselves raise, May 16 The recent news that Delta council has awarded its members another raise is interesting.
Threats haven't worked in the past

Threats haven't worked in the past

Editor: Re: Motivations on farmland don't seem to add up, letter to the editor, May 11 It would seem Douglas Bolen has descended into a state of bullying through his letter.
The rules are changing, but have players been notified?

The rules are changing, but have players been notified?

Do you get the sense we are going at public policy differently these days? Did the prime minister's statement about limiting the time to assess the Northern Gateway Pipeline strike you as a different approach? Does the reduction in Environment Canada
Select few enjoy such increases

Select few enjoy such increases

Hands up all of you who have seen a 40 per cent jump in your salary over the last five years. I know, it's a preposterous thought given the economic climate we've endured over that time, but I figured I'd ask anyway.
Political leaders must heed warnings about rising sea levels

Political leaders must heed warnings about rising sea levels

Editor: Re: Political leaders are told not to ignore rising sea levels, May 11 It is interesting to read that Delta council is listening to professional opinions on the potential threat to flooding through climate change (read global warming).
Judicial activism continues to flourish in Canada

Judicial activism continues to flourish in Canada

Editor: Re: Don't turn to court for all the answers, letter to the editor, April 27 Letter writer Steven Austin is rightly concerned about an activist high court's growing propensity to "legislate from the bench.
South Delta sleepwalking toward a transportation crisis

South Delta sleepwalking toward a transportation crisis

Editor: South Delta is facing a major transportation crisis, and with the Tsawwassen Springs development and the potential for massive developments on the TFN and Southlands, our transportation crisis will turn into a complete fiasco of perpetual gri
Questions unanswered on port impact on ecosystem

Questions unanswered on port impact on ecosystem

Editor: Re: Port expansion hasn't impacted bird numbers: biologist, May 11 Your optimistic frontpage article raises many more questions than answers.
Much support shown for annual G3 plant sale

Much support shown for annual G3 plant sale

Editor: The organizing committee of Gwen's Growing & Giving, a sharing and caring fundraiser, would like to thank you for your support of the very successful 18th annual plant sale.