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Change to 'Gardens not for better

Change to 'Gardens not for better

Editor: Re: Changes are proposed for final phases of 'Gardens, May 18 I think it is fair to say the majority of residents in Marina Garden Estates enjoy living in the area.
Single-vehicle households not the reality for today's Tsawwassen

Single-vehicle households not the reality for today's Tsawwassen

Editor: I recently received a mail-out from Century Group regarding public information meetings, which I assume also went to most, if not all, households in Tsawwassen. I take issue with several points in the mail-out.
Picking up tab for 'huge thing'

Picking up tab for 'huge thing'

Editor: Re: Mayors looking for better deal, May 23 Here's a suggestion for intrepid reporters: stop regurgitating local politicians' talking points and go after them for a true accounting of what they're costing us.
It's imperative we don't lose sight of human ecosystem

It's imperative we don't lose sight of human ecosystem

Birds, cars, trucks, houses and food. Though not necessarily in that order, these are the things we talk about in South Delta. Fraught with angst, many commentators decry anything that is perceived as change to be an assault on "our way of life.
Claims of poor farmland have been refuted

Claims of poor farmland have been refuted

Editor: Re: Farmland concerns focus on aesthetics, not economics, Community Comment, May 11 Wasn't Doug Husband mayor during the Spetifore hearings of the late 1980s? I thought so.
Teenager comes in handy

Teenager comes in handy

I'm sure it happened long before then, but it was a crystallizing moment nonetheless. It was a few weeks back and we were getting our shoes and jackets on to head out the door.
Delta should look south for example of what can be done with less

Delta should look south for example of what can be done with less

Editor: Re: Select few enjoy such increases, Murphy's Law, May 18 Thanks for your editorial on Delta's mayor and council salary increases.
Traffic insanity also applies to Southlands

Traffic insanity also applies to Southlands

Editor: Re: Traffic impacts to be 'insane,' May 9 I cannot think of a better word than insanity to describe the predicted traffic congestion that we can expect along Highway 17 if and when the proposed Tsawwassen First Nation mall developments are co
Good neighbour relations will help ensure any problems get resolved

Good neighbour relations will help ensure any problems get resolved

Editor: Thanks to Firth Bateman and Curt Chilcott for their letters giving a more balanced and hopeful view towards better relations between Delta and Tsawwassen First Nation than was the frustration unfortunately expressed by many Delta councillors
Carriers are building stronger town, one doorstep at a time

Carriers are building stronger town, one doorstep at a time

I have to admit, I have an advantage over everyone else on my block. My kids deliver the paper. Every Wednesday and Friday morning, I can walk out my front door and find bundles of papers waiting to make their way to the neighbourhood doorsteps.