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Money for barn but not for heritage house

Money for barn but not for heritage house

Editor: Re: Big bucks for barn relocation, May 30 Let me get this straight: Delta council can find $600,000 to save and relocate a barn, but can't manage to come up with any money to save Kittson House? Really? What's wrong with this picture? Ted Lat
Caregiver has qualifications even if licence not required

Caregiver has qualifications even if licence not required

Editor: Re: Help out there to make right childcare choice, May 30 I am amazed at almost everyone's lack of knowledge as far as regulation for childcare workers goes. I am a registered, licence not required (LNR) family childcare provider.
Mayor shows displeasure for Tsaw

Mayor shows displeasure for Tsaw

Editor: I notice from the letter enclosed along with the property tax notice that Mayor Lois Jackson is ignoring Tsawwassen with her road improvement plan, at least for the current year.
MLA is a fit with Tories on holiday

MLA is a fit with Tories on holiday

Vicki Huntington has always been one to stick to her principles, so it's not surprising to see that she's out of step with her legislative colleagues when it comes to Family Day.
No freebies for TFN

No freebies for TFN

Editor: Re: South Delta sleepwalking toward a transportation crisis, letter to the editor, May 18 Mayor Lois-&-Co need to prove the worth of their pay hikes by responding favourably to Malcolm Johnston's challenge: Not one dime for infrastructure imp
Barn money better spent on Delta Hospital

Barn money better spent on Delta Hospital

Editor: Re: Big bucks for barn relocation, May 30 It seems that again we have had our tax money spent on something that we were given no say in it all.
Majority still opposed to Southlands development

Majority still opposed to Southlands development

Editor: As longtime residents of Tsawwassen, we are once again writing to express our serious concerns regarding Century Group's proposed residential and commercial development on the Southlands.
Delta council raise was in the works last year

Delta council raise was in the works last year

Editor: Re: Delta council members vote themselves raise, May 16 I understand that in the beginning of a term in office council members give themselves a raise so the electorate will have forgotten by the next election.
Robinson shows lack of character

Robinson shows lack of character

Editor: Robinson's sentencing postponed until July, May 30 Monty Robinson's defence that his reaction to the incident, namely returning to his home to have a drink because he's an alcoholic, is laughable and as transparent as his moral character.
Tsawwassen will die without development

Tsawwassen will die without development

Editor: In 1971, Quadrant Development Ltd proposed the development of 3,524 housing units on the Southlands property. It was shot down. In 1989, TDL proposed the development of 1,895 housing units on the Southlands, and it was shot down.