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No appetite to expropriate

No appetite to expropriate

Editor: Re: Former mayor should keep his opinions to himself, letter to the editor, Sept. 28 According to the letter writer, Doug Husband should keep his opinions to himself ...
Gold-seeking brothers found something even better here

Gold-seeking brothers found something even better here

Having grown up in Ladner, it's a pleasure to reach back into the past and explore its relevance with today's vastly different lifestyle. Many books and articles have been written about brothers W.H. and T.E. Ladner.
New bridge might not be the fix

New bridge might not be the fix

The more I think about Premier Christy Clark's announcement to replace the George Massey Tunnel, the more it shapes up as one of those be-careful-what-you-wish-for situations.
Bus stop shelters vandalized

Bus stop shelters vandalized

Editor: I wonder how many people have noticed how many of the glass walls surrounding bus stops have been vandalized recently. The one at 12th Avenue and 53A Street in Tsawwassen has been smashed at least twice in the last two months.
Do the right thing and return bike

Do the right thing and return bike

Editor: On Saturday, Sept. 22, one of the volunteers at the Delta Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop had his bike stolen from outside the store. He reported the theft to police, but he still has not recovered his bike.
Riding transit in South Delta is improvement over Surrey

Riding transit in South Delta is improvement over Surrey

Public transit is supposed to be the great equalizer: everybody pays the same, and everybody gets the same service.
Adult responsible for teen drinking

Adult responsible for teen drinking

Editor: I often read in the local papers about vandalism - fences getting kicked down, windows broken, cars damaged, etc. - in Tsawwassen.
Glimmer of light at end of tunnel

Glimmer of light at end of tunnel

Let's hope there's more to last Friday's announcement than just the actions of a desperate premier.
Trucking containers is not the answer

Trucking containers is not the answer

Editor: Some parts of Europe and the United States have become overwhelmed by trucks carrying containers. Los Angeles has had to institute many measures to control truck pollution.
Traffic nightmare in Tilbury

Traffic nightmare in Tilbury

Editor: I am writing share a recent commute with you. I love working so close to home, however over the last 10 months the traffic has become a major impediment to getting home, despite carpooling with my husband. At 4 p.m.