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Transportation vision must include passenger rail

Transportation vision must include passenger rail

Editor: There's no doubt that a solution is needed to deal with daily congestion occurring at the George Massey Tunnel. More and more motorists are commuting from south of the Fraser -- not just South Deltans.
Plenty of letters for council

Plenty of letters for council

Editor: Appended to this week's (May 28) Delta council meeting agenda are 82 very thoughtful and articulate letters to mayor and council from a cross section of Delta residents expressing their views on the Southlands development application.
Preservation comes with a big price

Preservation comes with a big price

Delta is putting our money where its mouth is when it comes to heritage preservation. There has been much hand wringing over the last couple of years as heritage buildings in these parts have either come down or been earmarked for demolition.
That's a lot of money being wasted to move a barn

That's a lot of money being wasted to move a barn

Editor: Re: Big bucks for barn relocation, May 30 In the latest sign we're nearing civilizational end, Delta council is blowing over half a million of our bucks to move a barn.
Community plan is in jeopardy due to unsolved traffic issues

Community plan is in jeopardy due to unsolved traffic issues

Our back yard borders the historic Burr farm, separated only by Crescent Slough. This land has been successfully farmed by one pioneering family for well in excess of 100 years.
Driver thanks vandals for big repair bill

Driver thanks vandals for big repair bill

Editor: I'm a resident of 53A Street in Tsawwassen and was woken up by Delta police at about 4: 15 a.m. on May 30 and told that my vehicle, which was parked on the road, was vandalized.
Council raises sure to come up in union bargaining

Council raises sure to come up in union bargaining

Editor: Re: Select few enjoy such increases, Murphy's Law, May 18 Your editorial raises an interesting point. I believe that contract negotiations are underway between Delta and its unionized workers.
South Delta mom amazed by many acts of kindness

South Delta mom amazed by many acts of kindness

Editor: Cards, emails, flowers, chocolate, books, cancer cures, poems, verses, angels, presents, prayers, cleaning, vacuuming, gardening, ironing, power washing, weeding, digging, planting, watering, food for hospital visitors, food for family, food
Toll evaders find help in new road

Toll evaders find help in new road

Would someone really go out of their way to avoid a three-dollar toll? It seems unlikely, particularly if it's a one-off thing, but when you start doing the math for a whole year, and you end up with a $1,500 tab, then I can see where drivers just mi
Grief over the loss of a faithful companion is real and normal

Grief over the loss of a faithful companion is real and normal

I lost my best friend a couple of weeks ago. She was 93 years old - or 15 in dog years, since, after all, she was a dog. Dallas came into our lives on a sunny spring day in 1997.