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Farmland letters better late than never

Farmland letters better late than never

Editor: Re: Council calling on senior gov't not to remove land, May 9 I must say I was heartened to read that Delta council has called on senior governments not to remove land from the Agricultural Land Reserve.
Motorists still ignoring signs at tunnel

Motorists still ignoring signs at tunnel

Editor: Sixty years ago when I was first licensed to operate a motor vehicle in B.C., the requirement to read road signs and the like was paramount. Today, it seems, such is not the case.
Traffic not just from the malls

Traffic not just from the malls

Editor: Re: Traffic impacts to be 'insane,' May 9 When I read the headline, I thought our mayor and council had finally come to the realization what any Southlands development would do to our local traffic situation.
'Lifer' says it's about time to shake those cobwebs

'Lifer' says it's about time to shake those cobwebs

Editor: After living in Tsawwassen for my entire 42 years, I am continually amazed at the narrow vision of some residents. I am a "lifer" here and feel I've paid my dues in order to say that comment.
Loss of farmland would have impact on Pacific Flyway

Loss of farmland would have impact on Pacific Flyway

Editor: I note with interest all of the letters concerning the viability or not of farming in Delta. Dr.
Pipeline to port

Pipeline to port

Editor: Here's an idea that would avoid putting a pipeline through the pristine B.C. wilderness and having supertanker terminals at both Kitimat and Burrard Inlet.
'Insanity' not the way to cooperation

'Insanity' not the way to cooperation

Editor: Re: Traffic impacts to be 'insane,' May 9 I don't know what the "best" answer is to concerns about predictions of traffic congestion with the currently planned TFN developments.
TFN could meet port's needs if malls turned into industry

TFN could meet port's needs if malls turned into industry

Port Metro Vancouver anticipates container traffic will double over the course of the next 10 to 15 years, and nearly triple by 2030.
Shaping up as a wide open race

Shaping up as a wide open race

With the 12-month countdown now officially underway, the race for the Delta South seat in next spring's provincial election has the capability to be the most contentious in recent memory.
Farmer stands up for agriculture

Farmer stands up for agriculture

Editor: Re: Farmland concerns focus on aesthetics, not economics, Community Comment, May 11 I am incensed by Doug Husband's misrepresentation of Delta's proud tradition of farming, of local history and of provincial law.