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Deltaport faces as many obstacles as Prince Rupert

Deltaport faces as many obstacles as Prince Rupert

Editor: Re: Prince Rupert not good option, letter to the editor, Nov. 16 I am unclear why someone with Arthur David Serry's evident background and experience would want to disparage the port of Prince Rupert.
Prince Rupert is a good option for many reasons

Prince Rupert is a good option for many reasons

Editor: Re: Prince Rupert not good option, letter to the editor, Nov.
Put land to the highest and best use

Put land to the highest and best use

Editor: Re: Plenty of reasons to protect farmland from growing port, letter to the editor, Nov. 23 Vicki Huntington makes a great case for saving farmland, and I have no argument with her on that.
Occupy's valid message gets lost among the controversy

Occupy's valid message gets lost among the controversy

This is not the way I wanted Occupy Vancouver to end. This is the way I always feared Occupy Vancouver would end. Vancouver and Victoria are evicting the protesters, a move spurred on by a number of events.
Affected given little input

Affected given little input

Editor: We seem to be in an era where major decisions are made by just a few people with process that has little or no input from those who are affected. Many examples come to mind. The latest is, of course, the smart meter fiasco.
Hats Off to Lewall and the others

Hats Off to Lewall and the others

Lost in the shadow of last Saturday's municipal election was the annual Hats Off gala hosted by the Delta Chamber of Commerce, an event that shouldn't take a back seat to anything.
Protesters need new approach to connect with public

Protesters need new approach to connect with public

Editor: From the perspective of an 84-year-old, the history of the occupy movement is worrisome. The first thing that worried me was that Wall Street had been occupied for about two weeks before any news media in B.C. mentioned it.
Army cadets are far from a 'brand new' regiment

Army cadets are far from a 'brand new' regiment

Editor: Re: Air cadets are deserving of same treatment, letter to the editor, Nov. 16 I would like to bring to the attention of C.
Lines not well defined on Hwy. 17

Lines not well defined on Hwy. 17

Editor: I have been aware of this for a long time, but after almost getting sideswiped twice in a week I feel something has to be done before someone is seriously hurt or worse on Highway 17 near Ladner Trunk Road.
Plenty of reasons to protect farmland from growing port

Plenty of reasons to protect farmland from growing port

Editor: Re: Prince Rupert not good option, letter to the editor, Nov. 16 I'll be the first to admit we are facing a challenge. What some call "economic progress" means turning what remains of our worldclass farmland into an industrial park.