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About time rabbits get attention

About time rabbits get attention

It's not a bad plan. It's three or four years late, but, as I said, it's not bad.
Time to revisit idea of Tsawwassen going on its own

Time to revisit idea of Tsawwassen going on its own

Editor: Re: More South Deltans voted, but council's base is in the north, Community Comment, Jan. 4 The Community Comment by Steve Graham should have opened our eyes as to how we in Tsawwassen are being governed.
Union leaders take teachers down the wrong path

Union leaders take teachers down the wrong path

Editor: When are the teachers and their union bosses going get it through their heads there is no more money for wages? If they figure they are different than the other unions that had their wages frozen, then they are sadly mistaken.
Focus on his record, not ours

Focus on his record, not ours

We're trailing this guy? Every time I see those Liberal ads attacking NDP Leader Adrian Dix, I can't help but wonder whether those on the government benches are asking themselves that very question. The ads, and the accompanying website (riskydix.
Too much commercialism at Christmas

Too much commercialism at Christmas

Editor: Once again we have withstood another Christmas season. The "I'm so glad it's over" list becomes longer each year. I feel we will lose the true meaning of Christmas completely unless we are willing to make changes.
Biggest hope for year ahead is politician with some guts

Biggest hope for year ahead is politician with some guts

Well, 2012 is here and still no flying cars, "fountain of youth" pills or colonies on the moon. Manhattan remains a thriving burrow, not a walled-in prison facility.
It only takes one complaint to get walkway hedge cut

It only takes one complaint to get walkway hedge cut

Editor: It sure amazes me that a single complaint - that's right, one complaint - can get the municipality to move so quickly. A walkway between River Road and Calvert Drive has a rather tall hedge.
Hunting has been legal for generations

Hunting has been legal for generations

Editor: Re: Respect, don't destroy, the local wildlife, letter to the editor, Dec. 30 My, oh my, a whole 20 years in Tsawwassen and she loves the Delta area.
Costly port consultation doesn't amount to much

Costly port consultation doesn't amount to much

Editor: Let's say you want to extend an invitation to participate in consultation. Or, let's pretend that you do. First you run an ad on Nov. 25 in the Delta Optimist.
Obama is misguided, but sincere

Obama is misguided, but sincere

Editor: While as a mere observer, peeking south across the 49th parallel from the "frozen" north, I have not been a particular fan of Barack Obama.