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Teenagers deserve chance to row

Teenagers deserve chance to row

Editor: Re: Thriving rowing program is already available for high school athletes, letter to the editor, July 20 Jane McCall begins her letter by stating that a "thriving rowing program is already available for high school athletes," but she later re
Childcare should be election issue

Childcare should be election issue

Editor: Re: 'Junior Kindergarten' school given the go ahead to develop vacant lot adjacent to 7-Eleven in Ladner, Aug. 3 I read with alarm the article on the expansion of so-called "Junior Kindergarten" into Ladner.
Any further loss of agricultural land will be opposed

Any further loss of agricultural land will be opposed

Editor: Re: Alarm sounded over the lack of industrial land, Aug. 3 It seems we are once more being urged to allow destruction of farmland for industrial purposes. We are encouraged to fear certain loss of jobs if we don't do this.
Meeting hero opens up an opportunity to talk about goals

Meeting hero opens up an opportunity to talk about goals

My son got a chance to meet his idol, Tony Hawk, recently. I know he was excited, but I couldn't really tell - he's still pretty young and he didn't say much. I was thrilled, not so much to meet Tony, but to see the look on my son's face when he did.
Kind, caring people came to aid

Kind, caring people came to aid

Editor: Last Tuesday afternoon I fell on some uneven ground on 12th Avenue. I was unable to get up, and I would like to thank all the people who came to my rescue: strangers on the street, Dr.
Traffic situation appears grim

Traffic situation appears grim

Editor: Re: Premier gets an earful on traffic, Aug.
Looking for an explanation

Looking for an explanation

Perhaps it just makes too much sense.
Highs and lows of a hectic Sun Festival Antique Fair

Highs and lows of a hectic Sun Festival Antique Fair

Editor: On behalf of the Sun Festival Antique Fair, I would like to thank everyone that attended the 34th annual show. I would like to congratulate Mr. Morison of Tsawwassen, winner of a Royal Doulton figurine door prize.
Soil not as bad as advertised

Soil not as bad as advertised

Editor: Re: Spetifores found support for initial development plans, Community Comment, Aug.
Ban use of those annoying propane cannons

Ban use of those annoying propane cannons

Editor: I have lived in Ladner for 20 years and I am accustomed to the noises and odours typically associated with farming activity.