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There's never 'too much' Christmas

There's never 'too much' Christmas

Editor: Re: Too much commercialism at Christmas, letter to the editor, Jan. 11 I never have "too much" of the Christmas season as I sometimes feel it goes by to quickly. I never feel that I'm "fed up and it's time for a change" either.
Uncommonly decent police show compassion over holiday season

Uncommonly decent police show compassion over holiday season

Editor: As someone who is often in an adversarial relationship with police, I think it is well past time the people of Delta saw the other side of our police department and its chief, Jim Cessford.
Don't confuse sexism for decency

Don't confuse sexism for decency

Editor: Re: Police dep't investigates sexism complaint, Jan.
Arrogant dog owners ignore law

Arrogant dog owners ignore law

Editor: Re: Owners shouldn't walk their dogs at the cemetery, letter to the editor, Dec. 9 Bart Mann's complaint is well taken, but easily explained. The reason is simple: all dog owners are illiterate and cannot read.
Locating turf field at DSS doesn't make sense

Locating turf field at DSS doesn't make sense

Editor: Re: Other areas link fields to schools, Murphy's Law, Dec. 21 I am compelled to respond to the suggestion the Corporation of Delta should partner with the Delta school district and locate a new synthetic turf field at Delta Secondary.
Malls could create 'us' vs. 'them' situation

Malls could create 'us' vs. 'them' situation

Editor: I was at the Tsawwassen First Nation's proposed mall development public information meeting last Wednesday night. It was amateur hour, as if put together by a first-year marketing class.
Year starts off with reminder that taxes due soon enough

Year starts off with reminder that taxes due soon enough

Welcome to 2012. Your bill is... The anticipation of a new year wore off quickly with my mail on Jan. 2. I received my B.C. Assessment notice. While I'm happy our property values aren't mirroring what's happening in the U.S.
Fairy tale ending would see bunnies stay at rec centre

Fairy tale ending would see bunnies stay at rec centre

Editor: Now, kiddies, are you all listening? Good. Then I'll begin.
Embrace future

Embrace future

Editor: For years I have told my NIMBY neighbours in South Delta any pretence we have about being an unperturbed pastoral paradise exited abruptly with the ferry terminal and with Deltaport, never mind the BCTC power lines.
It's cheaper to turn rabbits into dinner

It's cheaper to turn rabbits into dinner

Editor: Re: Rabbits to be relocated, Jan. 11 A few bone-headed residents (and probably some non-residents) decide to dump their pet bunnies around the civic arena and bunnies being bunnies, do what they do best.