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Great for cyclists

Great for cyclists

Editor: Bicycle access to 28th Avenue at Highway 17 (new overpass) will soon be possible. This access will enable cyclists on Highway 17 to proceed to Ladner, Highway 10 and River Road via 64th Street.
Profit can't come before people

Profit can't come before people

Editor: Re: Delta rids itself of property that's an environmental nightmare, Sept.
Voter wants to know where Delta candidates stand

Voter wants to know where Delta candidates stand

Editor: Re: Debate poised to resume, Sept. 21 Will the debate over Southlands ever end? I fail to understand why, when it comes to the Southlands, our current council seems to ignore the word "no.
Delta mayor can't stifle debate on most important issue

Delta mayor can't stifle debate on most important issue

Editor: Re: Debate poised to resume, Sept. 21 If Mayor Lois Jackson thinks she can stifle discussion and debate on perhaps the most important issue facing Delta voters - Southlands development - she has another thing coming.
Public has already spoken on the Southlands

Public has already spoken on the Southlands

Editor: When Delta commissioned an Ipsos Reid poll last year to specifically ask if we wanted to retain the current policy and land use designation, as agricultural, for the Southlands, the public had its say. We spoke with a strong majority as 61.
Strong group of candidates can only benefit the board

Strong group of candidates can only benefit the board

Editor: It is heartening to see quality candidates putting their names forward as school trustee candidates in the coming municipal election. Last election trustees were elected by acclamation because there were only seven candidates.
MLA stunned by antics on SFPR route

MLA stunned by antics on SFPR route

I saw an absolutely outrageous sight on Sunday, a sight that left me speechless with the knowledge that citizens have to fight for even the most basic respect from our government. And as a resident of Delta, you'd think I would have learned by now.
Arts recognition appreciated

Arts recognition appreciated

Editor: When the Corporation of Delta took over the Tsawwassen Arts Centre and the Firehall Centre for the Arts this spring, I was not sure what was going to happen.
Gag order on Southlands is attempt by mayor to protect members of council

Gag order on Southlands is attempt by mayor to protect members of council

Editor: Re: Debate poised to resume, Sept. 21 Mayor Lois Jackson is seeking a legal opinion that could prevent people from asking candidates for Delta council about their position on the Southlands proposal.
Let voters know where you stand

Let voters know where you stand

I understand the legal requirement for local politicians to remain impartial when dealing with development applications, but, come on, at some point voters deserve to know where our decision makers stand.