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Forget north and south, it's just Delta

Forget north and south, it's just Delta

Editor: Re: Now is the time to speak, letter to the editor, Aug. 16 I know this is a late response to Peter Malim's letter, but I have been away and not able to read the paper.
Smokers should pollute their own spaces

Smokers should pollute their own spaces

Editor: Although I have great respect for the Century Group in Tsawwassen, I have a complaint. Every time I visit the Town Centre Mall, I smell strong smoke, to which I and a lot of people are allergic.
No need to spread fear about latest Southlands proposal

No need to spread fear about latest Southlands proposal

Editor: Congratulations to Century Group for receiving first and second reading for its community farm and Southlands proposal.
Keep Senate, but make appointments non-partisan

Keep Senate, but make appointments non-partisan

Editor: As being appointed to the Senate is commonly acknowledged as being a reward for loyal (partisan) political service to the political party currently in power, why wouldn't senators feel free, if not obliged, to feed greedily from the public tr
Delta cyclists shouldn't get a free ride

Delta cyclists shouldn't get a free ride

Editor: Kudos to R.D. Grant for suggesting that cyclists should start paying to ride their bicycles.
Fraser River estuary too fragile for more port development

Fraser River estuary too fragile for more port development

Editor: Re: Second port not needed, letter to the editor, Aug. 21 Thanks to Roger Emsley for his succinct and sane assessment of the realities about Port Metro Vancouver's plans for the fragile estuary we all live in.
Mayor's comments leave reader confused over civic position on public ownership of Paterson

Mayor's comments leave reader confused over civic position on public ownership of Paterson

Editor: Re: Paterson purchase not in the cards, Aug. 7 I am a little confused.
Know the impacts before decision on dump trucks

Know the impacts before decision on dump trucks

Editor: One hundred and twenty thousand tandem-axle dump trucks! End-to-end they wouldn't reach the moon or circle the earth, but just might reach San Francisco from Tsawwassen.
It's not neighbourly to bring trash across line

It's not neighbourly to bring trash across line

Editor: This letter is for my dear neighbour from Point Roberts. I know sometimes it's hard to get rid of garbage, but bringing it across the border seems to be crossing the line for a good neighbour.
Hoover seeks reader input as he mulls run for office

Hoover seeks reader input as he mulls run for office

Editor: Over the last few weeks the Optimist has printed some letters and at least one article about the possibility of me running for mayor in the next election.