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Public suffers when corporations become too powerful

Public suffers when corporations become too powerful

Editor: Re: Protesters miss mark when targeting 'evil' corporations, Community Comment, Nov. 30 I would like to suggest that it is Dan Southard that is missing the mark, or perhaps more specifically, the point.
Teachers still evaluating students, communication still continues during job action

Teachers still evaluating students, communication still continues during job action

Editor: Re: Failing grade for solution, letter to the editor, Dec. 9 I was wondering when a parent would realize how the teachers' job action will affect the parents. Yes, the parents, not the students.
Seniors still like to shop

Seniors still like to shop

Editor: As I work at a seniors facility and my own mother is 90, I feel it is finally time I responded on their behalf to a letter I read some time ago. It was from one of your readers about the new malls planned by the Tsawwassen First Nation.
First six letters are the key to Christmas

First six letters are the key to Christmas

Editor: Re: Maintaining our quality of life more complex than it seems, Community Comment, Dec. 9 Mike Schneider contends that we "hear a lot about retail sales and quarterly numbers from manufacturers at this time of year.
TFN to add substantially to housing stock

TFN to add substantially to housing stock

Editor: Re: Take wait and see approach in Tsaw., letter to the editor, Dec. 7 The letter from Kent Warmington, giving details of the Tsawwassen First Nation development plans, referred only to the period up until 2021.
Police officers handled situation in exemplary fashion

Police officers handled situation in exemplary fashion

Editor: This letter is a commendation of our Delta police department. Because of a recent incident in our neighbourhood, the police were called.
Not all of MP's constituents in favour of Tory crime bill

Not all of MP's constituents in favour of Tory crime bill

Editor: Re: Public backs crime bill: Findlay, Dec. 9 So Kerry-Lynne Findlay thinks her constituents are in support of the Conservative crime bill. She obviously hasn't talked to me.
Tsawwassen youngster impresses on Gateway stage

Tsawwassen youngster impresses on Gateway stage

Editor: I was privileged to attend the matinee performance of The Sound of Music last Saturday at Gateway Theatre in Richmond.
Support for winning candidates comes from all areas of Delta

Support for winning candidates comes from all areas of Delta

I am going to continue my review of voting data from the 2011 municipal election to include some observations on the results for councillors.
Too early to be making any plans

Too early to be making any plans

I give him marks for confidence, but Adrian Dix surely must recognize that 18 months is an eternity in politics, particularly in this province.